Police Week Spotlight: Suki Gill

Name: Sukhraj GillService/Agency: Peel Regional PoliceRank/Title: Detective ConstableYears with LETR: 9 How did you first get involved with LETR?I was always aware of the Special Olympics in Ontario before I became a police officer. When I got hired by PRP in 2015, I saw how involved the service was with the Special Olympics. I originally started off with the Torch …

Police Week Spotlight: Nicole Kamarlingos

Name: Nicole KamarlingosService/Agency: RCMPRank/Title: Public Service EmployeeYears with LETR: 3 How did you first get involved with LETR?I first got involved with the LETR in London, Ontario during our Canada Day Torch Run. Once I attended this event and saw all the athletes with their positive outlook, I knew I was hooked. What has kept you involved in LETR to …

Police Week Spotlight: Meg Arbuthnot

Name: Meg ArbuthnotService/Agency: Ottawa Police ServiceRank/Title: Acting SergeantYears with LETR: 10 How did you first get involved with LETR?My first involvement with LETR stemmed from local events such as the Torch Run and Cops ‘n Cowboys. When I was first encouraged to participate by other officers on my platoon, they told me that it’s something that I would keep coming …

Police Week Spotlight: Kevin Selwood

Name: Kevin SelwoodService/Agency: York Regional PoliceRank/Title: Detective ConstableYears with LETR: 7 How did you first get involved with LETR?I attended LETR events in 2009-2010 while with Port Hope Police Service. Upon transferring to YRP I became involved through members who were attending events including the Torch Run and Polar Plunge. I joined the LETR committee with YRP in 2019and became …

Police Week Spotlight: Christine McCallum

Name: Christine McCallumService/Agency: Brantford Police ServiceRank/Title: Detective ConstableYears with LETR: 10 years as a Guardian of the Flame with LETR How did you first get involved with LETR?I participated in my first Law Enforcement Torch Run as a new officer at the Ontario Police College and have continued every year since. What has kept you involved in LETR to this …

Cst. Jonathan Bueckert, Ontario Provincial Police

Ontario Provincial Police Constable Jonathan Bueckert is relatively new to the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR). Within his first few months working with the OPP, Jonathan was able to become a representative for Special Olympics at his local department in Brant. It was here where he got involved with LETR not only locally but provincially. Though Jonathan has only been …

Kirsten Edgerton, Toronto Police Service

Kirsten Edgerton’s first Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) was more than 22 years ago, and she was immediately hooked at those Spring Games. Her Involvement in the event began when she was working in the security division for Toronto Community Housing and a sergeant asked her if she wanted to volunteer. Kirsten is an athlete herself and understands the importance …

Catherine Conoboy, Waterloo Regional Police Service

Catherine Conoboy, Corporate Events Coordinator with the Waterloo Regional Police, has been involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the past 13 years. What started as participating in their annual Torch Run has now grown into Catherine planning more and more Torch Run events! Catherine loves Torch Run events: “having athletes carry the torch and lead our Police Service …

Sgt. Greg O’Connor, Peel Regional Police

Five years ago, Sgt. Greg O’Connor of Peel Regional Police was approached by his former supervisor Kevin MacBean about volunteering with the 2017 Special Olympics Ontario Provincial Summer Games being hosted by Peel Regional Police. Greg helped to organize a fundraising hockey tournament to raise money for the games, and immediately saw the benefits that his actions had on the …

Cst. Kim Harvey, Hamilton Police Service

Constable Kim Harvey has been involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the past 11 years, having first started during Police Serving You, a partnership with Boston Pizza. Since then, Harvey has gone on to have many great memories of working alongside Special Olympics athletes. “Being able to help other people towards a brighter future – it’s the best …