Police Week Spotlight: Meg Arbuthnot

Name: Meg Arbuthnot
Service/Agency: Ottawa Police Service
Rank/Title: Acting Sergeant
Years with LETR: 10

How did you first get involved with LETR?
My first involvement with LETR stemmed from local events such as the Torch Run and Cops ‘n Cowboys. When I was first encouraged to participate by other officers on my platoon, they told me that it's something that I would keep coming back to, and they were right. So many officers and civilians are involved on a yearly basis in these events, some even after retirement.

What has kept you involved in LETR to this day?
I think that it's connection that keeps me involved… both with athletes and fellow LETR members. It's amazing to connect with athletes on a personal level and even get to know their families. Everyone is so welcoming and grateful for the support that LETR provides to Special Olympics and genuinely appreciative of the efforts we make. Connecting with like-minded police and peace officers from around the Province really illustrates what we can achieve for these athletes when we are all moving in the same direction.

What does Special Olympics mean to you?
Involvement in sport is so crucial to total health and well-being, both physically and mentally. Special Olympics works tirelessly to ensure that individuals with intellectual disabilities receive the same opportunities as those who don't. Supporting Special Olympics truly enriches lives and I think that's what is so amazing about it. To see those participate in sport who may not have otherwise have that chance is very heartwarming.

What is your favourite memory (or memories) during your involvement with LETR/SO?
My favourite memory with LETR has to be last year's Kingston School Championships. It was my first time attending School Championships and I had no idea what to expect. I was completely blown away by the almost 1000 athletes gathered at the opening ceremonies welcoming us as the torch was brought in by our LETR group! It was truly emotional and so amazing to see these athletes at the games, most away from home and their families for the first time on their own, enjoying the spotlight they so deserve.

Why should others get involved with the LETR?
Witnessing first-hand the positivity and resiliency that these athletes possess, as well as the families who support them, is truly a sight to see. Plus, who doesn't need a smile, hug, or a high-five these days?