Police Week Spotlight: Christine McCallum

Name: Christine McCallum
Service/Agency: Brantford Police Service
Rank/Title: Detective Constable
Years with LETR: 10 years as a Guardian of the Flame with LETR

How did you first get involved with LETR?
I participated in my first Law Enforcement Torch Run as a new officer at the Ontario Police College and have continued every year since.

What has kept you involved in LETR to this day?
I continue to be involved in LETR because I know of its importance as the largest public awareness and grassroots fundraising organization for Special Olympics. I know how providing athletes support and encouragement can directly help them achieve their goals and dreams and have loved seeing this happen.

What does Special Olympics mean to you?
I truly believe in the Special Olympic organization because of the upheld values of inclusion and how everyone involved as a sense of belonging. I know that because of Special Olympics, athletes can develop skills and traits that can be carried on in all aspects of their lives.

What is your favourite memory (or memories) during your involvement with LETR/SO?
One of my favourite memories has been attending my first LETR international conference in 2023 and giving an athlete his first medal and seeing the smile. The same athlete signed his sports athlete card that I keep with me as a constant reminder of the special moment. My other favourite memory is recently announcing the upcoming 2025 Summer Provincial Games of Special Olympics as a Master of Ceremonies and providing support to an athlete during her speech and presentation of a service award to her mother which was such a special moment. This same athlete gave me my first Christmas card that truly made feel a part of the Special Olympic family.

Why should others get involved with the LETR?
There are so many things that someone getting involved with LETR can participate in that may interest them from Polar Plunges/Torch Runs to conferences/workshops and fun fundraising events! Anyone can come up with their own fundraising ideas and ways to create public awareness of Special Olympics and make it meaningful. I invite anyone to come out and try several different events because something will “hook” you into wanting to continue being a part! I really enjoyed organizing the Brantford Bulldog game this past year that supported Special Olympics and promoted athletes going to the Calgary National games.