Police Week Spotlight: Suki Gill

Name: Sukhraj Gill
Service/Agency: Peel Regional Police
Rank/Title: Detective Constable
Years with LETR: 9

How did you first get involved with LETR?
I was always aware of the Special Olympics in Ontario before I became a police officer. When I got hired by PRP in 2015, I saw how involved the service was with the Special Olympics. I originally started off with the Torch Run and then got heavily involved with the Polar Plunge campaign.

What has kept you involved in LETR to this day?
In 2010 I graduated from high school and one of the very few people I kept in touch with was a Special Olympics athlete, Kadeem.
Kadeem’s energy and love for the game of basketball, always reminded me of why I should continue supporting Special Olympics, so athletes like Kadeem can continue playing their favourite sport.

What does Special Olympics mean to you?
Special Olympics means a lot to me. I take the fundraising very seriously while still having fun. I love how much passion the athletes have for their sport, which makes me want to work harder and harder for these athletes every year.

What is your favourite memory (or memories) during your involvement with LETR/SO?
2024 opening games was probably my most memorable moment as I got to play a game of basketball with my high school friend Kadeem!
We were both equally surprised seeing each other and it was great running into him after 14 years.

Why should others get involved with the LETR?
I always share my story about Kadeem with others. I always encourage everyone whether it’s a $1 they donate or they show up to support in person, the athletes love it. The glow on the athletes' face when they see a crowd cheering for them is something no other sports organization could ever match.