Corrections Week Spotlight: Mike DiMartle

Name: Mike DiMartle
Service/Agency: SOLGEN- Niagara Detention Centre
Years with LETR: 28

In 1995, Mike DiMartle's journey with the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) began with a single event in his local community. From that moment, he was captivated by LETR's mission and became a stalwart member, representing Corrections Ontario (Niagara Detention Centre) and Zone 4. Over his 28+ years with the Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN), Mike has earned a reputation as the driving force behind LETR's success at his workplace. His colleagues unanimously associate LETR with Mike DiMartle, recognizing his unwavering dedication and selflessness.

Despite his pivotal role, Mike shies away from recognition, preferring to work behind the scenes. His humility is remarkable; he actively avoids cameras and deflects praise, emphasizing that his commitment stems from a genuine love for the cause. This sincerity is evident in his actions, whether it's volunteering at provincial events or personally funding LETR initiatives. Mike's generosity extends beyond LETR; he's known for spontaneously BBQing for his colleagues at Niagara Detention Centre on his days off, refusing any form of acknowledgment or reimbursement.

Mike's leadership within LETR may not be overt, but his impact is undeniable. While he eschews formal roles, he has been instrumental in organizing and fundraising at Niagara Detention Centre for nearly three decades. His fundraising efforts, from Polar Plunges to merchandise sales, have raised substantial funds for LETR, benefiting countless athletes. Despite his significant contributions, Mike remains humble, declining nominations for awards and preferring to let others take the spotlight.

Mike DiMartle exemplifies the spirit of LETR through his selfless dedication and quiet leadership. His 28-year journey stands as a testament to the power of grassroots involvement and the profound impact of individual commitment. As a nominee for the Exemplary Service Award, Mike's legacy inspires and encourages new generations of LETR members to embrace his ethos of passion, selflessness, and dedication.