Bill Dickson first joined the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in 2001 as an Issues Coordinator/Information Officer at the East Region Headquarters in Smiths Falls. Shortly after, Bill was asked to take on the role of a Route Coordinator for the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) in the Ottawa Valley. To this day, Bill will be the one to tell you that at his first Final Leg in Peterborough, he truly saw what the LETR is all about. From there, Bill’s LETR journey has been full of accomplishments!
In 2003, Bill took over the duties of Zone Coordinator. Despite the role change, Bill has continued to participate in runs in Ottawa and throughout the Ottawa Valley. Since becoming Zone Coordinator, Bill also established a Torch Run committee in Ottawa within that time – one of his proudest accomplishments! Bill and Torch Run Founder, Lorne White, met with a Chief or Deputy Chief numerous times to push for a committee structure. Because of Bill’s efforts, the Ottawa LETR committee is now comprised of Ottawa police members, the OPP, Probation and Parole, and other several agencies.
Bill’s accomplishments do not stop there! Since the Ottawa LETR committee started, Bill has coordinated joint-force participation in the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) Big Ticket games and has been one of the leaders for the LETR’s participation in Cops and Cowboys in Ottawa. Bill has also been a part of the planning committee for the 2012 Kingston Spring Games and a key member of the organizing committee for the Special Olympics Ontario Provincial Floor Hockey Championships in 2015.

As a member of the Provincial LETR Operations Committee, Bill is currently shaping the future of the program, making decisions on everything from t-shirts to conferences! Most recently, Bill became a member of the organizing committee for the inaugural Guardians of the Flame Half Marathon and 5K – Bill has remained on this committee since then, encouraging growth, increasing participation rates, and boosting revenue.
Bill’s passion for the Special Olympics community radiates through his work. Throughout his time as Zone Coordinator, Bill has submitted more than $50,000 in funds from personal fundraising activities and the coordination of fundraising in communities within the Ottawa Valley. As we look to the future, Bill is hoping to expand Torch Run activities and membership within senior command and others at the OPP General Headquarters. With Bill’s help, we can ensure the OPP is a strong player in Zone 2, Zone 3, and beyond!