Name: Ashley Landry
Service/Agency: Monteith Correctional Complex/ Ministry of the Solicitor General
Rank/Title: Offender Records Clerk
Years with LETR: 3
How did you first get involved with LETR?
I first got involved with the LETR in 2021 when I saw an email roll in with an upcoming run. Initially I was just looking for details on participating in the run itself and it just snowballed from there. Before I knew it I was one of the new coordinators, alongside one of our Correctional Officers, for Monteith and I haven't looked back. When we both took on this new role it was all very new to us, and there were a few hiccups along the way, but every year just gets better and better, whether it be us growing as a team, or more and more community involvement showing support for our athletes.
What has kept you involved in LETR to this day?
Seeing the faces of our athletes year after year is absolutely heartwarming. Their sheer excitement and pride during the events and having their chance to carry the torch never gets old. Being part of such an amazing community has been such a pleasure and I can't wait to see what the future holds. I'm hoping to be able to make it to the final leg to be able to truly see what the LETR is all about. I've heard nothing other than how amazing of an experience it is being part of such a memorable and meaningful event.
What does Special Olympics mean to you?
Being a fitness enthusiast myself, I love seeing faces of individuals succeeding in something they are passionate about. Big or small, win or lose, everything and everyone is worth being celebrated, and without a doubt the Special Olympics goes above and beyond in doing so. Special Olympians are inspiring others everywhere and are continuously discovering new strengths and abilities, skills and success, and it's an absolute pleasure being part of such a heartwarming community.
What is your favourite memory (or memories) during your involvement with LETR/SO?
Seeing as I'm only in my third year of being with the LETR, and I have yet to be a part of the Final Leg, I'd have to say that my favourite memories would be seeing the community involvement during our runs and the faces of all the athletes. Everyone is smiling and their joy and pride exudes above all. Their strength and determination to carry that torch while shouting and cheering on their fellow athletes is a joy to be a part of!
Why should others get involved with the LETR?
It is well known that the LETR for Special Olympics engages law enforcement worldwide championing acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities. It's an honour being part of a team that provides opportunities for athletes to empower and transform themselves to the best of their abilities with such an amazing community and support system cheering them on every step of the way.