OLETR Operations Committee Application Form

Applications for the Operations Committee are now open! The LETR Operations Committee reports directly to the OACP Torch Run Executive Committee. The Operations Committee is responsible for developing the overall plans and fundraising strategies for the LETR Zones and associate groups. This is a voluntary position with a term of 3 years. A second 3 year term will be available if you so choose at the completion of your first term. Applications will be accepted from members across the province but to ensure this committee remains representative of the entire province, priority will be given to those individuals filling the vacancies from the Southwest, as well as Corrections. Members will be asked to serve as either a member of the Operations Committee OR a Zone Coordinator, but not both at the same time. Current Zone Coordinators are invited to apply for the Operations Committee. Once the new Operations Committee members are selected, applications for Zone Coordinators will then open.

  • Cell number is prefered